Written by Stefano Picozzi

March 4, 2024

A lot of WordPress Sites

As of June 12, 2023 there are over 1.98 billion websites online with 250,000 new sites added every day.  It is estimated that 200 million (10.1%)  of these total websites can actually be considered active 1 with approximately 43.2% of all sites are running WordPress 2.    A simple proportional estimate suggests therefore that there are around 850 million total WordPress websites with about 86 million active and another 108,000 added each day.

A lot of WordPress Spend

All these websites need to be hosted.  The total web hosting market is expected to reach US$ 157.9 Billion in 2024 with a compound annual growth rate  (CAGR) of 21.58% 3.  A sizeable chunk of this spend is on WordPress hosting 4.  At a pro-rated 43.2% that would be US$ 62.2 Billion, but even at a conservative 10% that is still US$15.8 Billion per year.  The WordPress start level hosting fees amongst the top suppliers 5 hover around the US $200/year mark.

Problem and Opportunity

Putting this all together, billions of dollars every year are being spent hosting WordPress websites most of which (89.1%) can be considered inactive.  Millions of users are unnecessarily renewing yearly hosting subscriptions for at least US $200 a pop.  Of those 108,000 new WordPress sites added daily costing over US $21 million in hosting fees alone, barely 11,000 remain relevant the following year.

We think its reasonable to assume that a fair slice of these WordPress sites, especially those recently added, are entrepreneurs/intrapreneurs promoting new products and services. Some succeed, most do not.  For the cost conscious, committing to an expensive Cloud hosting service need not be the default and only option.  Introducing home self-hosting.

WordPress Home Self Hosting

With Edgible you can innovate locally then deploy to the Cloud when you scale.  This means you can repurpose a spare laptop or desktop at home into an Internet server and use it to self-host a WordPress site.  In just a few click and a few minutes you are away.

  1. Signup to Edgible and enjoy or free tier plan
  2. Download and install the Edgible Console to the designated device
  3. Select the WordPress app from the catalogue and deploy and launch
  4. Configure your WordPress site as required and publish content
  5. Visit your fabulous new site from at e.g. https://www.acme.edgible.com

Check out our video below.  Once your product proves spectularly successful you may want to upgrade its quality of service.  Our low cost active/passive feature will automatically maintain an active live site even if you device is shutdown.  Edgible saves you money and  empowers you to choose hosting model  that make sense in your innovation journey.

Sources and Further Reading

1. https://firstsiteguide.com/how-many-websites/

2. https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/cm-wordpress

3. https://www.statista.com/outlook/tmo/it-services/it-outsourcing/web-hosting/worldwide

4. https://www.360researchreports.com/global-wordpress-hosting-service-market-26721734

5. https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/ultimate-list-of-wordpress-stats-facts-and-other-research/


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